This started as a quick one page hand-coded info page. It was redesigned with a full upgrade to WordPress + WooCommerce with a bold presentation optimized for significant ecommerce traffic from advertising and SEO.
Call today for a complimentary consultation for your web design, website hosting, SEO, digital marketing, maintenance, upgrade, security, or analytics needs.
We can arrange a non-contact meeting by phone, Zoom or Skype and keep your company moving forward. I am here to help you succeed.
From concept, to the planning, design, development, security, maintenance and analysis of your web site, my friendly and helpful process will clarify what you want and how to best meet your needs, in plain English. My one-hour free consultation is normally sufficient to determine your objectives, requirements, a timeline, and a quote.
This allows me to design the right website for your users while meeting all your online business needs. Your customers will immediately know who you are, what you do and how to use your web site, and you will have the tools you require for success.
I do not have a ‘one size fits all’ mentality. Your website is custom crafted for you, and demonstrates the quality of your business.
I also do not use cutting edge bells and whistles. These are frequently not workable on all platforms. My clients’ web sites are fast, simple, and elegant, with the right functionality to get the job done.
My breadth of knowledge allows me to be your full service web developer achieving all of your goals. This also means that I usually know exactly what is needed for your website. If I don’t, I can and will find the right solution for your requirements.
Pricing for web design, development and hosting is difficult to determine up front. Like the businesses they represent, websites are not all created equal. Websites serve various purposes, feature different technology and therefore they can vary greatly in cost as the level of design and functionality increases and becomes more complex to suit your company's needs.
Inexpensive set packages are an effective way to sell websites, but their initial scope is usually restrictive and becomes padded with extra services and required features. Off-shore design firms can offer rock bottom prices, but invariably at the cost of flexibility and difficulties in communication.
Compared to design firms located in metropolitan areas, HawkFeather Web Design is a one man show with limited overhead and has an economic advantage over larger website design companies outside of Kitsap County.
Each website is custom crafted for a client as an investment in their business, even if based on off-the-shelf components and templates. Each web site is always responsive and mobile friendly, always includes detailed SEO, and comes with 30 days of free maintenance.
I provide web hosting for clients who are in need of website hosting, email, etc. This allows me to to focus on design and functionality instead of the vagaries of working with differing service providers. Prices are not quite as low as larger companies, but I am available 24/7 to help you, and the cost is minimal even for a small business.
If your website is dated, I can work with you to bring it into the modern age. A free one hour consultation will determine the most cost efficient and effective solution.
If you currently have a website and are in need of a developer to help you keep your website up to date and make changes for you, I offer maintenance services at an hourly or monthly rate.
Many web design companies do not have an effective approach to security or updates. WordPress is the most commonly deployed and exploited platform, and Joomla is also commonly compromised. Both require software updates just like your computer. HawkFeather Web Design has extensive experience in hardening CMS driven websites. I also can fix websites if they have broken or have been hacked.
Does your host provide backups services? If so, how often, and how deep are the archives? Does your website platform include automated backups? Both WordPress and Joomla should be backed up at least monthly, and more often when your site changes. I provide hourly or monthly security and backup services. I also feature an all-inclusive annual contract for maintenance, updates, backups and security.
Andrew MacMillen
HawkFeather Web Design is a one man shop owned and operated by me, Andrew MacMillen, from my home near Suquamish WA. I created my very first website with self-taught HTML code in 1996, using a Power Macintosh and a 2400 baud modem. Since then I have continued to keep abreast of the latest standards and techniques, and have developed a unique style of crafting clean, technically sophisticated websites that work on all devices. I will still occasionally hand code a website, but given the complexity of new standards, I prefer to work with WordPress and Joomla using appropriate templates and extensions. This allows me to focus on finding the right pieces to craft the right website for you.
In 2004 I started offering hosting services via Surpass Hosting in Orlando FL. This allowed me to not only do web design, but also handle all the backend details of setting up and maintaining a website for clients. I consider myself a jack-of-all-trades; I also do SEO, online marketing, upgrades, security, traffic analysis and more. Having everything with under one roof allows me to meet and exceed all of a client's needs. The one hole in my panoply of skills is inspired graphic design; however I have an excellent graphic designer that I can sub-contract. I work mostly with SOHO and non-profit clients from virtually any profession, and can easily and efficiently communicate with anybody from web novices to experienced webbies. My expertise in communication extends to client training for maintaining websites created with WordPress or Joomla.
For 10 years I worked at eAcceleration Corp in Poulsbo, WA. The company sold Windows security software, and my responsibilities included web design, web development, digital marketing, plus extensive website and customer analytics.
Office Sunrise
Office Help
When I'm not pounding away on a keyboard, I may be out in the woods looking for wild mushrooms and other edibles, on the beach clamming or fishing, in the kitchen whipping up a gourmet meal, or helping at my friend's winery. I even have flown a 12' x 6" 40 lb. rocket to 8,000 ft at Mach .6!
Point No Point
Wine Time
Thai Mushroom Soup
I am an enrolled member of the Citizen Potawatomi Nation.
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