• Action Training

    With over 400 products in 50 categories, this is our most advanced WordPress + WooCommerce website.

  • Cab Over America

    Cab Over America by HawkFeather Web DesignThis started as a quick one page hand-coded info page. It was redesigned with a full upgrade to WordPress + WooCommerce with a bold presentation optimized for significant ecommerce traffic from advertising and SEO.

  • Fine Leather Furniture

    Fine Leather FurnitureBy far the most complicated of our websites, this is our 3rd generation Joomla design with over 700 pages and 2000 products.

  • Kitsap Firewood

    This deceptively simple WordPress website features an uncommon left menu, and deep SEO for native traffic.

  • Lady & the Carpenter

    Lady and the CarpenterThis client required re-organization, updates, SEO and security enhancements to their basic WordPress ecommerce website.

  • Magic Fingers

    Magic FingersThis was a total surprise, since I had no idea the brand and products still existed.

  • Wild Mercury Astrology

    Wild Mercury AstrologyPersonal services was a brand new design experience. We found a theme that the owner liked, and customized it for both informational and ecommerce purposes.

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Creating & hosting affordable & effective websites for over 25 years.

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Call today for a complimentary consultation for your web design, website hosting, SEO, digital marketing, maintenance, upgrade, security, or analytics needs.

We can arrange a non-contact meeting by phone, Zoom or Skype and keep your company moving forward. I am here to help you succeed.

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